Github Setup

Kener uses github for incident management. Issues created in github using certain tags go to kener as incidents.

Step 1: Create Github Repository

Create a Github Repository. It can be either public or private.

Step 2: Create Github Token

You can create either a classic token or personal access token

Creating Classic Token

  • Go to Tokens
  • Note: kener
  • Expiration: No Expiration
  • Scopes: write:packages
  • Click on generate Token

Creating Personal Access Token

  • Go to Personal Access Token
  • Token Name: kener
  • Expiration: Use custom to select a calendar date
  • Description: My Kener
  • Repository access: Check Only Selected Repositories. Select your github repository
  • Repository Permission: Select Issues Read Write
  • Click on generate token

Step 3: Set environment

export GH_TOKEN=github_pat_11AD3ZA3Y0

Step 4: Add to Kener

Add your repository details to kener.

Monitors API

Github API URL

If you are on github enterprise you can set the github api url. For most users, it will be

Github Repo

The repository name you created in step 1

Github Username

Your github username

Incident History

It is in hours. It means if an issue is created before X hours then kener would not honor it. What it means, is that kener would not show it under active incidents nor it will update the uptime. Default is 30*24 hours = 720 hours.