Environment Variables

Kener needs some environment variables to be set to run properly. Here are the list of environment variables that you need to set.

All of these are optional but are required for specific features.


Please set a strong secret key for Kener to use for encrypting the data. This is required to run Kener.

export KENER_SECRET_KEY=a-strong-secret-key

ORIGIN [Required]

Set this to the origin of your website(protocl + hostname + port if there). This is required for CORS.

export ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000


Defaults to 3000 if not specified

export PORT=4242


A github token to read issues and create labels. This is required for incident management

export GH_TOKEN=your-github-token


By default kener runs on / but you can change it to /status or any other path.

  • Important: The base path should NOT have a trailing slash and should start with /
  • Important: This env variable should be present during both build and run time
export KENER_BASE_PATH=/status


Kener uses resend.com to send emails. Please make sure to sign up in resend.com and get the API key. You will need to set the API key in the environment variable RESEND_API_KEY.

export RESEND_API_KEY=re_sometoken


Set the sender email for the emails that are sent by Kener. This is required for sending emails. If you have not added a domain in resend, you can se something like Some Name <onboarding@resend.dev>. We recommend adding a domain in resend and using that email domain.

export RESEND_SENDER_EMAIL=Some Name <email@domain.com>
Please note that the RESEND_API_KEY is required for sending emails. If you do not set this, Kener will not be able to send emails. RESEND_SENDER_EMAIL is a must if you forget your password.


Kener uses a database to store its data. By default, Kener uses sqlite. You can change the database by setting the DATABASE_URL environment variable. The connection string has to start with sqlite, postgresql, or mysql. Read more about database configuration.

export DATABASE_URL=sqlite://./database/awesomeKener.db


Set the timezone for the server. Set it to UTC.

export TZ=UTC

Using .env

You can also use a .env file to set these variables. Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the variables like below



Kener supports secrets in monitors. Let us say you have a monitor that is API based and you want to keep the API key secret.

Example: https://api.example.com/users with a header Authorization: Bearer $CLIENT_SECRET

You should set the CLIENT_SECRET in the your environment variables.

export CLIENT_SECRET=your-api-key

Remember to set the CLIENT_SECRET in your .env file if you are using one.